Tiny Altars – Lecture and Workshop09 Apr 2024

The closing day of the exhibition TINY ALTARS, conceptualized by the Spanish artist, Elvira Martos, was a celebration of creativity, expression and the power of spirituality in our lives.

The highlight of the evening was a LECTURE: “SAMSKARAS: Traces of Our Past Lives” presented by Madhava Das, brahmachari of the Chaitanya Academy International. Samskaras, the real protagonists of our altars, are past imprints that condition us unconsciously, both mentally and behaviourally. Madhava Das took the attendees on a philosophical and spiritual journey to reflect on and find solutions to the fascinating dilemma of karmic conditioning.

The evening concluded with an introduction to the practical WORKSHOP: “Join the Tiny Altars Project”, in which attendees were invited to create their own altars and join this collective artistic project to be part of all future exhibitions. This event served as a reminder of the transformative power of artistic expression and spiritual exploration, sparking new conversations and connections among those who were present.
